Giving a second life to unsorted textile waste, those that cannot be recycled, is a challenge that no company can avoid. Wetex, thanks to its experience in the textile sector and in the technological sector, has developed a series of proposals that can meet the needs of companies to find intelligent solutions that allow the use of materials that cannot be used in any other way.
For us, the waste hierarchy is fundamental: but when a waste cannot be recovered or inserted into a close-the-loop recycling process, how else can it be used?
Taking into account the needs expressed by our customers, there are three solutions that are attracting the greatest interest and that we are developing:
– the creation of floorings, which use textile waste, divided by color or mixed, depending on the effect you want to achieve. We can also produce tiles for temporary installations, which at the end of their use, can be recycled again within our process.
– production of packaging, which can have different shapes and also different levels of rigidity. It is designed together with the customer, to meet their needs: it represents an excellent alternative to the use of plastic material. But not only that: it can also be customized, with different techniques, which allow the company logo to be printed
– the creation of acoustic panels, which are highly sought after by the market. But not only that: it can also be customized, with different techniques, which allow the company logo to be printed
– the creation of acoustic panels, which are highly sought after by the market. It is in fact important that what is produced with the recycling process respects the standards and is an adequate substitute for traditional materials.
Our experience confirms that these are the most requested solutions at the moment, but our team is always working to find new uses for textile waste.